Within the scope of this project we aimed to create a more healthy and safe
environment in the schools providing vocational education, to protect students against work accidents and occupational diseases, to teach occupational risks and measures to be taken against these risks , to contribute the occupational health and safety trainings that are to be
repeated every year to reach European Union standards and create awareness of this trainings and to create a common mind about ‘safe work’ with the project partners.
Aims of the project
Within the scope of vocational education and training programs, it is targeted to make an electronic and a written booklet about basic occupational safety requirements acceptable in European Union. In this booklet we are planning to mention about defining regulations to be respected about the dangers that may be exposed during working hours of the students going to non-formal or formal educational institutions making mobility with European projects and legal obligations about healthy and safe working conditions for the students in schools. This booklet will also benefit to parents, trainers, supervisors and employers with
multiplier effect.
Target group
Students studying in vocational training schools – can make mobility activities within the scope of European Union projects will reach enough data and resources about safe working conditions in European countries.
European added value
- to support the improvement of co-operation in social, economical and cultural issues.
- to show beneficiaries that, in the concept of lifelong learning, education does not only take place in schools but also it is in every single moment of their lives.
- to produce a common terminology for the safety issue in vocational training,
- to help teachers to build and share new strategies to develop a safety education,
- to increase the quality of the abilities and vocational training experiences,
- to improve the co-operation between the professional institutions and the vocational training schools,
- to help with the issue of the improvement of information, experience, and technology transfer among the EU countries,
- to help facilitating of transparency and integration in vocational training area throughout Europe within the scope of ‘Lifelong Learning/Leonardo da Vinci Vocational training programmes’.
This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.