The First City – State Of the World is Aslantepe
Youth Exchange
9-16 June 2012
Participating Countries:
4 participants per country of the age 18-25 years old + one group leader of any age.
It will take place in Malatya 25-26 of May 2012 (arrivel on 25.05 or 26.05 in the morning, departure on 27.05 or 26.05 in the evening)
We are waiting for 1 participant from every country- it should be the group leader of the group who would participate in the Exchange in june.
Description Of the Project:
The Project is an integrative youth Exchange that will bring together 25 young people together from all over europe (South, East and Middle): İtaly, Hungary, Portugal, Crotia and Turkey. The delegations will bring together guys and girls from different countries of Europe and Turkey.
During the Exchange, we will discover again to Aslantepe and then we will publish into a book, hold an exhibition in center and culture workshops order to help these people to create a great group dynamic and to work together on intercultural level.