Project background:
Europe is changing. Europe is moving. Nearly in all European Societies are or becoming “immigration” societies. That´s a difficult process – the majority governments and populations are reacting dismissive on the increasing number of refugees from the different crisis regions in the
world: Political success of right wing or right populist parties in all over Europe goes apparently together with a “silent consensus” in large parts of the societies. We just “shocked” from time to time when being faced with burning shelters for refugees. Along this negative process pictures from terrorist attacks in the “heart of Europe” – used by the even mentioned parties and groups – increasing the mistrust and negative reactions towards those people coming to our us right now and in future. Indeed, it is a fact that our societies are changing and the number of people with so-called “migrant background” will become larger.
The project “immigration societies” won´t end – we need constantly new ideas, debates and critical discourse. Aim of this discourse must be that there is a debate on the themes escape, migration and participation on the side of the majority society as well as a discourse with these groups which reacting with renunciation, defense and radicalization towards this majority population, based on failed integration mechanisms, individual, institutional and structural discrimination (education, labor market etc.). Within these lines, it is our task as non-formal (civic) education to become part of the discourse and to shape it.
Within publication about the “KA3 Structured Dialogue” one can read: “(it) give(s) young people the opportunity to interact with decision-makers on issues of concern to young people and to influence policy.” What´s behind? Are these young people also youth with so called „ migrant background”?, are the so called “unaccompanied refugee minors” also fitting in here? The members of so-called “Migrant Self organizations“? Who are these youngsters? Or is it a closed discourse within an anyway small part of the white, well-educated majority society?
In this regard the objective of the present proposal is to establish a network of partners from Southern to Northern as well as Eastern to Western Europe through a first seminar (KickOFF/Planning Meeting) in order to discuss, to plan and to develop common proposals within KA3 (Structured Dialogue) in 2016/2017 and following.
The main questions to deal with during the applied meeting are:
• How to translate the goals of the “EU Youth Strategy” and the “Structured Dialogue” into practical formats for & with young people?
• How to include youth and youth groups into it?
• How to ensure real participation?
• Which activities are implemented on regional, national and European level in order to support youth and other stakeholders, how & by whom?
It will be our goal to let young people speak and act as the real stakeholders (in the frame of possible events within KA3) based on the following general questions:
• How might a future self-developed society look like?
• How could a tomorrow´s diverse society without problems of sharing (common goods, income, and access to education …) look like?
And more specific:
• What can be done to ensure that all young people in Europe are able to develop their capacities in order to participate in a diverse and inclusive Europe?
• What can be done to avoid social exclusion of young people?
• And especially: what about those who are especially endangered to face exclusion as migrant youth?
The proposals, developed during the meeting will be applied later on rather by the consortium mutually through one partner or by several partners of the consortium in cooperation with further stakeholders within more than one proposals.
Looking at the recent developments within Europe and the emphasis of the program Erasmus+ in 2016 reacting on that (“reaching out to marginalized young people, promoting diversity, intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights as well as on projects enhancing media literacy, critical thinking and sense of initiative of young people …”) this project proposal is presented.
In Germany “Bund und Länder” decided to emphasize certain themes when implementing the EU Youth Strategy. The proposal is mirroring these themes and aspects and contributes to the implementation of the permanent as well national priorities and objectives of the program.
Including stakeholders as the Service- und Transferstelle zur Umsetzung der EU-Jugendstrategie in Deutsch¬land“ as well as experienced regional structures (Landesvereinigung kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung Sachsen-Anhalt e.V. / GOEUROPE!. & better together, Landesjugendring Thüringen e.V.) into the project planning & its implementation will help not only to disseminate and to exploit its results but also to support ongoing efforts of other stakeholders with the insights gained during the planned activities and events.
Kick-off Meeting:
06.11.2016 – 10.11.2016
EJBW (www.ejbweimar.de), Weimar (DE)
The proposals, developed during the meeting (as local actions, international meetings, debates with administration, politics and civil society, visible outcomes etc.) – will be applied later on rather by the consortium mutually through one partner within one project proposal or by several partners of
the consortium in cooperation with further stakeholders within more than one proposals. The participants of the meeting are representatives of the partners; rather occupied in the pedagogical teams and/or in the management of the organizations from Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain and UK. The meeting will take place in autumn 2016 in EJBW, Weimar (Germany)