The project “Bridge Between Culture and Learning language” – BBCLL
helps people from vulnerable social groups and those who have left the
education system without basic qualifications to find an alternative
access to the adult education.
Comic, strips as communication tools give the opportunity to read a
story and communicate without words, so no language barriers .A
perfect tool for an intergenerational project to stimulate creativity for
the young and old.
The creation of the Intercultural European game will be the perfect
example of how the European partners will work hand in hand in close
cooperation to achieve a result that every European citizen could then
use and learn from.
From the results, we will build a framework for practical use on a local,
regional, national and European level.
This project is an ideal opportunity for learners, tutors and institutions
in France, , Germany, Turkey, and Italy to participate in a rich European
cultural exchange and improve their skills.
4 seminars will be organized during which.
During the seminars everyone will learn other methods from the
partner organizations and be able to put them into practices in our