U P S K I L L I N G T H E S O C I A L E C O N O M Y Brugge (Belgium), 7th November – 10th November 2011
The Contact Seminar is a networking event organised by EPOS vzw, the Flemish National Agency responsible for the implementation of the European Union’s Lifelong Learning Programme, of which Leonardo da Vinci is a part. The Seminar’s aim is to provide organisations involved in the social economy an opportunity to address common themes related to vocational education and training.
There will be approximately 70 participants from across Europe.
At the event participants will have the opportunity to:
gather information on all Leonardo da Vinci actions;
meet with prospective project partners;
receive advice on how to transform project ideas into good quality applications for funding.
The working language of the seminar will be English.
The seminar is open to all organisations involved in the social economy (enterprises, public authorities, ngos, co-operatives, training providers, …) who want to work with other European partners within the scope of a Leonardo da Vinci-project.