1. Basic data
Title: Partnerships makes us stronger – Contact Making Seminar
Participating countries: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia
Date: 12th November – 18th November 2009
Length: 5 days + 2 days travelling
Official language: intermediate fluency of English required
# Participants: experienced EVS organisations that work also with young people with less opportunities (high motivated youth workers, EVS coordinators from 12 Slovenian organisations and 12 organisations
from Austria, Italia, Hungary and Croatia who wants to develop new long term cooperation for EVS projects for young people)
# Number of participants: one or two participant/s per organisation who is involved in EVS projects (EVS coordinators, youth workers etc. with experiences in EVS projects)
# Total number of participants: All together 24 participants, 3 trainers + support staff
# Aim of the CMS: building strong relationships between Slovenian organisations and Italian, Austrian, Croatian and Hungarian organisations which have already experiences in EVS and can host also young people with fewer opportunities. We want to encourage new partnerships between organisations with similar project focus. Our common aim is to raise the number of EVS projects between neighbouring countries.
# General objectives: knowing each other organizations, make solid grounds for future cooperation on different projects with special focus on EVS, making of concrete project propositions, contributes to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field; promotes European cooperation in the youth field, develops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European
Union; fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries.
# Permanent priorities: participation of young people, inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.
# Application deadline: 21st of September 2009
# Applicant: Youth Network MaMa, network of youth centres in Slovenia, running EVS SPO – Supporting and Advising Organisation for EVS in Slovenia to Slovenian National Agency MOVIT NA MLADINA. 2. Short description
# Theme: cooperation in the field of EVS and young people with fewer opportunities. We want to gather representatives of organisations that work with young people from Austria, Italy, Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. We want to encourage the cooperation between these organisations, so they can establish good partnerships and good cooperation in the Youth in Action Program: Action 2 – European Voluntary Service.
Through this CMS we want to build partnerships which can develop EVS among young people with fewer opportunities. We see cooperation between neighbour countries as a good example how we can send more young people with fewer opportunities to EVS.
# Working methods: we will use creative methods that are interesting for youth workers such as different discussions, open place method, presentations, workshops, work in groups, individual work, games.