ERASMUS + K1 Training Course
25th January 2015 – 1th of February 2015
Brussels BELGIUM
DemoCrazy is an YDS Project under the Erasmus+ program promoted by SoF INGO (Spirit of Freedom) and its international partners. It is a project about democracy, local policy making and participation of youngsters in those fields. A training for youth workers to exchange and develop new methodologies to work around the topic of democratic decision-making with groups of youngsters.
The training will bring together a total of 28 youth workers + experts and local volunteers to discuss the topic democracy and participation of youngsters in (local) decision-making. They will research their own democratic system and teach their peers. Together we will investigate different ways of involving youngsters in the decision-making process (both in politics and in organizational structures). The result of this training course will hopefully be a contribution of new tools to the SALTO website and/or the development of a blog where participants can add new
methodologies and reflect on (political) democratic evolution in their everyday life.
The program will be well balanced and with a good mix of leisure and sessions.
The methods we will use are all informal and some will be unexpected or maybe even brand new. We ask all our participants to be willing and open-minded. You will also be able to make contributions when it comes to energizers and mood busters.
Country: Belgium, Romania, Greece, Italy, Turkey, Poland, Croatia, UK.