Eco-Loto (Environment and Nature Project) is a multilateral youth project. The main aim is to enhance sensibility and awareness of the young on environment, saving energy and recycling.
The project activities will be held in Kayseri, Turkey. The main themes of the project are environmental issues, recycling and saving energy; cultural sharing and interaction among nations and awareness of EU citizenship. The project will both enhance the awareness on environment of the participant young people and will promote awareness at local level.
Moreover, the project will promote cultural interaction, international cooperation in environmental issues and awareness of EU citizenship.
The basic method will be learning in life (do and learn technique). As the competence in English among the participants will not be at the same level, the theoretical and didactic method will not be used. Theoretical information will be limited and will be given during the practical activities.
Workshops, role playing, outdoor activities, meeting among participants, ice-braking games will be basic methods.
The duration of the project is 7 months. There are five participant groups (from Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy, Romania and Turkey). Each group consists of 5 young people and a group leader. 32 people will take part in project activities (total number including the leaders).
OBJECTIVES To train the young people on environment problems, energy saving and recycling
To organise outdoor activities to better understand the importance of environment and nature
To raise awareness on recyclable materials
To provide cooperation among young people from different countries
To understand similarities and differences among participant countries
To raise awareness about common cultural heritage
To strengthen cultural similarities among intercultural dialogue
To break stereotypes and prejudices
To understand importance of non-formal education , exchange experience and good practice
To foster the idea of European citizenship, the values and principles of EU
To promote the Youth in Action programme as a useful tool for intercultural activities
To strengthen youth networking and create a safe environment for the participants to develop new ideas for future partnerships
July 2010 The project starts
August 2010 The preparations of web site and informative materials
September 2010 Publishing the Informative Materials, Completing the Organizations for Youth Exchange
October 2010 Preliminary Meeting (The group leaders will meet and take decisions on youth exchange), issuing the web site
November 2010 Realizing the Youth Exchange Activity
Preparing the reports on Youth Exchange, publishing the reports and outputs of the Exchange on web site.
December 2010 Writing the final report