Bad Breisig, Germany, 22-29 October 2014
The training course is designed to address matters related to gender, how it is constructed and how we could use social media to promote gender mainstreaming and to fight gender based discrimination and online hate speech.
Other topics we are planning to discuss will be sexuality, identity and human rights and all will be addressed within the training course through very interactive approach based in non-formal education and experiential
learning methodology.
Hosting organization:
Haus der offenen Tür Sinzig (HoT), Germany
gender, sexuality, media, discrimination, intercultural learning, human rights, mainstreaming.
Aims and Objectives:
The aim of this training course is to provide youth leaders, volunteers and youth workers to get familiar with basic terms used in discussion on gender related issues, gender based discrimination and opportunity to learn about the way media influences gender and different ways to fight discrimination based on gender by using online and offline tools.
• To make participants familiar with the basic concepts and terms related to gender, sexuality and gender based discrimination;
• To introduce participants with the basic human rights concepts;
• To build capacities of 30 youth workers for using social media tools in projects and information campaigns aimed at promoting democratic citizenship and fight online discrimination and hate speech;
• To develop a gender sensitive approach to youth and voluntary work enabling a crucial shift in gender stereotypical perceptions;
• To facilitate the exchange of good practices and experience among the participants, as an essential process for their active participation and maximization of the learning objectives;
• To develop new partnerships among organisations as a result of a number of new quality youth projects.