Background of the project
The project “It`s time for Time Bank” comes as a follow up of close partnership between coordinating (KURO) and hosting (SFERA) organizations and willingness to make a step forward strengthening the role and positive influence of Time Bank Programme to the local, national and international issues such as youth participation, involvement of
young people with fewer opportunities in social services and development of youth entrepreneurship.
Aims and Objectives
Our training-seminar aims to increase participation of young people in the time-bank program as a volunteers (service-provider) or beneficiaries, and by that mean implement their access to social rights.
We are going to reach our aim through following objectives:
1. To share the best practices of work with young people in the frame of Time Bank program in different Programme and Partner countries.
2. To develop common strategy on inclusion of young people to the Time Bank projects.
3. To develop skills of youth workers involved in Time Bank program.
4. To develop common Time Bank projects, activities and tools for work with young people.
5. To create Guide book for Time Bank organizations with useful recommendations on Time Bank management.
Country. Czech Republic, UK, Turkey, Romania, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Italy