Dear project partners, dear participants, Hereby we are presenting you information on the third part of our common project, the five events about “non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work”.
The project line (overall duration 13 months) will consists of several main events:
“Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work” took place under the roof of the hotel Putnik in cooperation with EDIT center.
NOVI SAD, SERBIA | 2nd – 8th of July 2015
The Training Course
for multipliers “Diversity aware international youth work” took place under the roof of the European Youth Education and Meeting Centre (EJBW).
WEIMAR, GERMANY | 28th October – 4th of November 2015
The regional experT panel i “group-foCused enMiTy”
will take place under the roof of the hotel Emka in cooperation with Association for Education and Art STUDIO 212 TETOVO.
TETOVO, MACEDONIA/FYROM | 2nd – 6th of April 2016
The regional experT panel ii “diversiTy & inClusion”
will take place under the roof of the IBM hotel in cooperation with Red Cross of Novo Sarajevo.
SARAJEVO, BOSNIA&HERZEGOVINA | 8nd – 12h of June 2016
The evaluaTionMeeTing“non-forMaleduCaTion and diversiTy in european youTh Work: subjeCTs – MeThods – exChange”
will take place under the roof and in cooperation with Fundacja Rodowo.
RODOWO, POLAND | 30th of August – 4nd of September 2016
projeCT desCripTion
The project line “Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work: Subjects – Methods – Exchange” (2014-3-DE04-KA105-001596 & 2015-2-DE04-KA105-012865) is dedicated to the discussion of the theme „Non-Formal Education and Diversity in European Youth Work“ with project partners from 19 different European countries.
What means diversity within the context of non-formal education and what’s behind? What about our own attitudes and values – as experts
and multipliers in non-formal education? Where are the strengths and weaknesses within our daily work with the target groups?
In the center of attention is the exchange about personal experiences, the reflection on the challenges when dealing with the „diversity approach“ and its implementation. We need to develop strategies to counter act the current negative perception of diversity and to find ways to improve the situation of young people. Major themes to deal with during the overall
project line are therefore:
• knowledge on the causes of (cultural) diversity (social change)
• learningaboutdiversityconcepts,dimensionsofdiversityand aspects of “group-focused enmity”
• opportunities and challenges of diversity
• dealing with (own) values (raising awareness on values and their function)
• reflecting on normality and discrimination, options for (self) reflection
• stereotypes and discrimination, forms of discrimination
• Legal, pragmatic, ethical and democraticreasons for inclusionand diversity in (European Youth Work), examples of daily work etc.
Questions to be discussed:
How can we create a pedagogical frame in which participants
are not reduced on their nationality,ethnicbackgroundetc.?
How can we see more than the assumed ‘typical’ or ‘normal’?
How can we learn about diversity without simplifying complexity
and losing sight of social valuations and structures?
How can we discover inequality and work in an empowering way?