Medea ovvero femminile violento

“I diritti delle donne sono una responsabilità di tutto il genere umano;lottare contro ogni forma di violenza nei confronti delle donne è un obbligodell’umanità; il rafforzamento del potere di azione delle donne significa ilprogresso di tutta l’umanità.”Kofi Hannam ProgrammaAlfio Inserra…

It’s time for Time Bank

Background of the projectThe project “It`s time for Time Bank” comes as a follow up of close partnership between coordinating (KURO) and hosting (SFERA) organizations and willingness to make a step forward strengthening the role and positive influence of Time…

Gender: Rethink, Retweet

Bad Breisig, Germany, 22-29 October 2014The training course is designed to address matters related to gender, how it is constructed and how we could use social media to promote gender mainstreaming and to fight gender based discrimination and online hate…

Folk Variation Under European Sky

Folk variation under European Sky Description:Everyone is different, but in general we are very similar. Our traditions, customs, behaves are various beacouse they are based on our culture, and this culture we would like to discover in our project. We…


“FEEL THE EARTH”VENUE: Ordu-Ünye03-10 May 2014 The SummaryUrbanization comes into prominence as an important topic when the conditions of natural life is changing in the world. With our project, we target that the young people will understand the necessity of…

Attività con ICS Rita Atria 2013-2014

Progetto “non perdiamo il filo” Progetto laboratoriale per il recupero di materiali lignei in disuso Laboratorio di lingua italiana per alunni stranieri Laboratorio riciclo creativo Laboratorio di danza Giornata mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne Settimana UNESCO DESS 2013 “El…