NOn Formal Environmental education (NOFEE)

NOn Formal Environmental Education (NOFEE)Erasmus+ Training Course6 – 13 July 2015Pissouri, Limassol, Cyprus Participant CountriesAustria, Greece, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, Italy, Croatia and CyprusThe Non Formal Environmental Education (NOFEE) project suggests the introduction and promotion of non formal techniques related…

Growing Together in a Changing Climate

The multilateral youth exchanges titled: Growing Together in a Changing Climate will gather 50 young people and group leaders from different EU and partner countries.The main focus of the Youth exchange, which will be hosted in Agros Cyprus in June…


ERASMUS + K1 Training Course25th January 2015 – 1th of February 2015Brussels BELGIUM DemoCrazy is an YDS Project under the Erasmus+ program promoted by SoF INGO (Spirit of Freedom) and its international partners. It is a project about democracy, local…


Martedì 12 maggio     12:00 INAUGURAZIONE                 PRESENTAZIONE DEL PROGETTO ARMAMARI                 Claudia Villani e Rosanna Ferrara intervengono gli ARTISTI e le ASSOCIAZIONI presenti a questa edizione 15:00     Laboratori creativi “ MASTRO GEPPETTO “ sculture su radica di ulivo, tufo e…

Attività con ICS Rita Atria 2015-2016

Laboratorio palla a volo Laboratorio arti marziali Laboratorio di danza del ventre (ovvero di danza mediorientale) Laboratorio di hip hop Laboratorio danza moderna Laboratorio calcetto Settimana SERR 2015 “I cuochi ricicloni. Ricette sostenibili da giocare in cucina” Laboratorio di creatività…